CICLAMEN - Cities, CLimate And vegetation: Modeling and ENvironmental public policies

CICLAMEN is a bilateral project funded by CAPES (Brazil) and COFECUB (France) for the period 2019-2023. The project is coordinated by V.Dubreuil (LETG, Rennes 2, France) and M.C.C.T.Amorim (UNESP, Presidente Prudente, Brazil).

In France, urban areas represent 22% of the metropolitan territory and represent 78% of the population, and peri-urban areas represent 38% of the French metropolitan territory according to INSEE. In Brazil, urbanization accelerated during the twentieth century, with an urban population of 34% in 1940 and currently estimated at 84% according to data from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). In both countries, Urban Heat Islands (UHI) are among the most important physical effects (and environmental problems) generated by cities.

Presidente Prudente


The project CICLAMEN aims to analyze the characteristics of land use and the production of heat islands in medium-sized French and Brazilian cities in different climatic, historical and land use contexts. This will involve proposing policies and measures that can mitigate high temperatures at fine scales (especially vegetation). To do this, the methods selected will combine in-situ temperature measurements, remote sensing techniques and the analysis of public policies. The project is centered on medium-sized cities because if while large cities are the subject of numerous studies, medium-sized cities (less than 500,000 inhabitants) represent almost a quarter of the world's population.

Jacareí (2019)

For the participants (professors, researchers, students) the mobilities proposed by the project a will contribute to increase openness and internationalization of the teaching and research practices via:

  • The development of joint bi-lingual field-trips, courses and seminars;
  • International publications in journals and conferences;
  • Joint supervision and co-supervision of Master's dissertations and PHD.

Field trip in Maringá (2019)


UNESP, Presidente Prudente

Margarete Amorim (Prof & coord.),
João Lima Sant’Anna Neto (Prof.),
João Osvaldo Rodrigues Nunes (Prof.),
Amilton Amorim (Prof.),
Danielle Frasca (Prof.),
Karime Fante (PHD),
Aline Pereira (PHD),
Gustavo Henrique Pereira da Silva (PHD),
Luis Flávio de Araújo (PHD).

R-Formation at UNESP (2021)

UFMS, Três Lagoas

Gislene Figueiredo Ortiz Porangaba (Prof.),
Mauro Henrique Soares da Silva (Prof.).

Field trip in Três Lagaos (2022)

Universidade de São Paulo

Eduardo de Lima Caldas (Prof.),
Andrea Cavicchioli (Prof.),
Neli de Mello-Théry (Prof.).

Universidade Estadual de Maringá

Cíntia Minaki (Prof.).

Rennes 2 University (LETG)

Vincent Dubreuil (Prof & coord.),
Hervé Quenol (DR, CNRS),
Damien Arvor (CR CNRS),
Thomas Houet (DR CNRS),
Solène Croci (CR CNRS),
Vincent Nédélec (Prof.),
Jean Nabucet (IE, CNRS),
Charlotte Brabant (PHD),
Geisa Rocha (PHD, UFPR, Curitiba),
Larissa Zezzo (PHD, UNICAMP).

Cities studied characterisitics

They represent a climatico-historical transect between historic cities in temperate and subtropical climates, cities of modern fundation in a tropical domain up to the very recent cities of the pioneer fronts of Amazonia.

Cities Date of Fundation Population (2020) Annual mean temperature (°C) Annual mean rainfall (mm) Köppen climate type
Rennes-FR Before 0... 220.488 11,8 666 Cfb
Jacareí-SP 1652 229.815 21,3 1233 Cwa
Florianópolis-SC 1675 421.203 20,3 1544 Cfa
Indaiatuba-SP 1830 260.690 21,9 1412 Aw
Presidente Prudente-SP 1917 225.271 23,6 1353 Aw
Três Lagoas-MS 1915 113.619 25,1 1295 Aw
Maringá-PR 1947 403.063 22,7 1634 Am
Sinop-MT 1974 146.005 26,0 1977 Aw
Alta Floresta-MT 1976 51.414 26,4 2210 Am

Some of the installations of the project

Presidente Prudente

Três Lagoas

Alta Floresta




International seminars

  1. Presidente Prudente, 2019, October 19th;
  2. Rennes, 2019, December 4th;
  3. Rennes, 2022, September 12th;
  4. Três Lagoas, 2022, November 3rd;

Reference papers of the project

AMORIM M.C.C.T., 2020. Ilhas de calor urbano em cidades de pequeno e médio porte no Brasil e o contexto das mudanças climáticas. CONFINS (PARIS). v.46, p.1 - 14, 2020.

AMORIM M.C.C.T., DUBREUIL V., AMORIM A., 2021. Day and night surface and atmospheric heat islands in a continental and temperate tropical environment. Urban Climate. Volume 38, 100918.

AMORIM M.C.C.T., 2021. Daily evolution of urban heat islands in a Brazilian tropical continental climate during dry and rainy periods. Urban Climate. Volume 35, 100715.

BORGES; DIEGO DA SILVA; SILVA, MAURO HENRIQUE SOARES, 2021. Análise da Cobertura Vegetal e sua Relação Com o Microclima em Praças Públicas Urbanas Na Cidade De Três Lagoas (Ms). Revista Brazilian Geographical Journal.

CARDOSO, RENATA DOS SANTOS; AMORIM M.C.C.T., 2021. Propriedades da superfície e variáveis climáticas para modelagem de zonas climáticas locais em Presidente Prudente. Revista Brasileira de Climatologia.

CAVICCHIOLI, ANDREA; ANDRADE, ANNA LAURA CANUTO ROCHA, 2021. Um estudo comparativo da dinâmica microclimática em espaços adaptados para fins de conservação de acervos sob a ótica da sustentabilidade. Anais do Museu Paulista.

DE MELLO-THÉRY N., DE LIMA-CALDAS E., FUNATSU B., ARVOR D., DUBREUIL V., 2020. Climate Change and Public Policies in the Brazilian Amazon State of Mato Grosso: Perceptions and Challenges. Sustainability, 12(12), 5093.

DUBREUIL V., FANTE K.P., PLANCHON O., SANT'ANNA NETO J.L., 2019. Climate change evidence in Brazil from Köppen’s climate annual types frequency. International Journal of Climatology. (39) 1446–1456.

DUBREUIL V., FOISSARD X., NABUCET J., THOMAS A., QUENOL H., 2020. Fréquence et intensité des îlots de chaleur à rennes : bilan de 16 années d’observations (2004-2019). Climatologie, 17 (6), p.1-17.

DUBREUIL V., BRABANT C., DELAUNAY G., NABUCET J., QUENOL H., CLAIN F., LEPRINCE F., DREANO J., GEORGET L., 2022. Rennes, une ville climato-intelligente ? L’IoT au service du suivi des îlots de chaleur. Editions Techniques de l’Ingénieur.

FOISSARD X., QUENOL H., DUBREUIL V., 2019. Defining scales of the land use effect to map the urban heat island in a mid-size European city: Rennes (France). Urban Climate 29 (2019) 100490.

MELLO-THERY, NELI AP. DE; CAVICCHIOLI, ANDREA E CALDAS, EDUARDO DE LIMA, 2020. Iniciativas e ações públicas para mitigação da ilha de calor urbana em cidades médias: o caso de Jacareí-SP. Espaço e Economia (Brasil).

PESSOA, GUILHERME GOMES; CACERES CARRILHO, ANDRE; TAKAHASHI MIYOSHI, GABRIELA; AMORIM, AMILTON; GALO, MAURICIO, 2021. Assessment of UAV-based digital surface model and the effects of quantity and distribution of ground control points. International Journal of Remote Sensing.

PORANGABA G.F.O., TEIXEIRA D.C.F., AMORIM M.C.C.T., SOARES DA SILVA M.H., DUBREUIL V., 2021. Modeling the urban heat island at a winter event in Três Lagoas, Brazil. Urban Climate, Volume 37, 100853.

ROCHA G., DUBREUIL V., MENDONCA F., 2020. A estabilidade atmosférica e a ilha de calor urbana na área conurbada de Florianópolis-SC. Revista Brasileira de Climatologia, Ano 16 – Vol. 27 – pp.900-918.